Finger puppets N to Z



Here we have the other half of a huge (and growing) range of delightful finger puppets to encourage imaginative play.

Each puppet has one dimension of at least 7 cms.

Hand made in Nepal from 100% wool felt under fair trade conditions.

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Octopus purple, Octopus orange, Owl, Panda, Parrot bright, Parrot green, Peacock, Penguin, Pig, Rabbit, Reindeer, Sea horse pink, Shark, Sheep, Snake, Starfish, Swan, Tiger, Tortoise, Triceratops, Unicorn rainbow, Unicorn white, Whale, Wolf, Yak, Zebra, Narwal, Sea horse blue, Reindeer, Orca, Puffin, Seagull, Red squirrel, Sloth, Sting ray, Seal


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